Katharine Tilston: Writer
Hey! I'm Katharine a writer here are Sheffeed, originally from Manchester I moved over to Sheffield four years ago. You'll find me working part time as a fashion PR assistant as well as studying journalism at SHU. I love all things fashion and food related as well as keeping up with the latest wellbeing trends. Meditation, yoga and boxing are all on my check list for the new year! Follow me on my Twitter @tilstonjourno

Jon-Jo Murtagh: Editor
Hi! I'm Jonjo, another member of the Sheffeed team. I'm 20 years old, from Chesterfield, and on this site you can find all my pieces on health and well-being related news. When I'm not writing for the website, I'm either at home playing guitar, out watching Blackburn Rovers or watching a classic movie. If you have anything you think I might be interested in, then please let me know! My email is b7040298@my.shu.ac.uk and you can find me on twitter at @jjatcq1.

Harry Wyld: Editor
Hi! I'm Harry, one of four editors at Sheffeed. Im a 21-year-old who loves finding relevant health and well-being news stories for our audience to read. Outside of work you'll find me on a squash court (yes, the sport everyone refers to as tennis against the wall), watching my beloved football team Manchester United and probably drinking too much beer. If you've got a relevant news story, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I'm a nice guy, I promise.

Thushya Mani: Editor
Hi! I'm Thushya. Another editor here on Sheffeed. I'm a 21-year-old Journalism student at Sheffield Hallam University. I love everything beauty related, 9 p.m. each day you'd see me applying all sorts of night-time skin oils to my face. You'd find some amazing tips and tricks on here which will come in handy! If you've got anything to share with us, don't hesitate to e-mail me at b7000829@my.shu.ac.uk or find our twitter page, @sheffeed... we reply to dm's!